Friday, October 31, 2008

Paint Ball-It's On!

I love paintball! I love the excitement of heading out into the woods with my team and not having any idea when the enemy is going to poke out from behind a tree and scare the crap of me. Not to mention "Lite me up with paintballs". I love how my team comes up with a plan and we all commit to do whatever it takes to win. If it means running full speed across the battlefield to grab the flag, then we'll do that. I mean paintball is brutal and when you play you play to win. No one wants to lose! When I play paintball I'm in the middle of a fight.

Thinking about this has made me think of the Desperation song "I'm counting on God". In that song it says:

"I'm in a fight not physical, I'm in a war, but not with this world".

We need to start realizing we are in a war. Just like when I go out and play paintball I know I'm in a war. We need to know that we live in a war. It's not physical, it's spiritual.


The Bible says in Romans 12:21 "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Today when you come up against evil, when the devil tries to throw something in your face... Remember that you are in a battle. Stand up and fight! Turn some worship music on and start praying. If the devil attacks us with things that are spiritual, then we need to fight back with the things God has given us. Do it today. Realize you are in a BATTLE and fight, do good and watch how you are able to overcome it.


Anonymous said...

this is really good... it does help soo much to just turn on tht music and concentrate on God... thnks


Anonymous said...

true that. i encourage everyone wh hasnt heard the song to listen to it. its really good and has helped me through some rough times as well.