Sunday, January 3, 2010


Ever felt alone, discouraged, or dry? We all have, but Jesus encourages us to preserve. In 1 Peter 1:6-7, Paul says to be glad for there is great joy ahead, and trials test and purify us like fire purifies gold. He encourages us to stay strong through the trials, for we will be rewarded when Jesus Christ returns. I firmly believe that that time is nearing soon, we as disciples have to be fervent in our faith. In 1 Peter 5:8-9, Paul urges us to stay alert and be on our guard. The enemy prowls around like a lion looking for someone to devour but take heart, you are not alone. Believes all over are the world are fighting the same things as you, and so did Jesus and He encourages you to press on. In Hebrews 10: 34-35, here Paul says that he accepted his suffering with joy because he knew there were greater things for him that would last forever. He encourages us to have patient endurance so that we will be able to continue God’s will for our lives, and then we will receive the eternal life he has promised. Remember this; in Hebrews 12: 28-29 it says, “Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is UNSHAKEABLE let us be thankful and please God by worshiping Him with holy FEAR and AWE, for our God is a DEVOURING FIRE”. The Kingdom of God is at hand, will you take it our let it pass you by? I encourage you to read the book of Hebrews, it’s a great encouraging book, and if you’re up to it take on Revelation. Take heart and push in deep! Choose joy, run after God with desperate pursuit, and lead strong this week.

Much love - Danielle