Friday, January 8, 2010

Burning Flame

Burning Flame

Megan See

I sit here waiting while everything is in motion around me. My heart pounds. Everything moves faster and faster. My life is flashing before my eyes. My heart is burning with this passionate flame. It's like a fire. It starts out small and grows bigger and bigger. My faith is just like this fire. If it is not tended to it will die down and soon enough will die out... That's why I have to stay strong, so it won't fade away. So I won't fade away. It burdens me when I see one fade away and then die. I reach out to those fading in hope that I will be able to bring them back to a passionate burning flame but I don't always succeed, even though I may fail at times, I will never give up. For when I was fading He never gave up on me. He held me and stayed with me. He tended to me. He still is tending to me. So, that I will stay bright and passionate for Him. This is why I will never give up. I will hold onto the broken, the poor, the deprived and depressed. I will reach out and grab on forever in hope that they will be saved as was I. My flame may fade and maybe even go out at times but it always will come back to the burning passionate flame that He has called me to be. It always comes back because He has never let go and He never will. This day it is a bright, strong, passionate, crazy, and a wild flame for Him. There may be days when it's not but I will always have a little spark. For this little piece is what brought it to become this raging flame. A little flame is all it takes to become a raging flame. I'm here to do exactly what was done to me. Someone lit a tiny little flame in my heart and look at me now. I will light little flames in those who haven't seen. I will light them because someone lit a flame in my heart. Then we will go out into all the world and shine. Shine with our raging, wild, beautiful, bright, crazy, and passionate flames. Our flames will become fires as we grow and we will shine for all and all shall see.