Monday, November 14, 2011

Are you a Zealot?

Hey everybody. Hope you had a good start to your week this Monday. I know it's tough to go back to school, but just hang in there, Thanksgiving break is just around the corner. For now, here is a message from Lindsey Berndt at It's a message about service, which is something that is very near and dear to my heart. I hope it has an impact to you, too.

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11

This stinks. Another well planned event with only two kids. Another night of trying to do a Bible study and 75% of your time is spent telling the kids to pay attention or quiet down. Another time when a member of the congregation cornered you about having the youth work at a dinner they're planning another dinner to help with!

All of this work and what is it really for? My heart is a heart of service, a heart for people. That's why I do what I do.

Then why does it seem like it's so hard to serve others?

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11

So many times I find myself needing to refocus. I get so pumped up thinking about doing God's work, but these tough/frustrating situations challenge me. I have to remind that my time in youth ministry is for God; it is for serving Him and serving Him with zeal. When frustrating or challenging things happen, praise God!

Those two kids who came to that well planned event will appreciate that they didn't show up for nothing and your genuine excitement that they showed up will stay with them. That 25% of your Bible Study that students actually heard could impact and speak volumes to a hurting/healing heart. The selflessness of the youth group and the eagerness to serve at any church event might impress those potential church members coming to events.

Zeal is enthusiastic devotion to a cause or a person, and then following through with it! Paul is telling us to be zealots when it comes to serving the Lord. Let us move forward in our youth ministry programs with zeal. Form a team of zealots for youth ministry. See where God takes you.

Prayer -
Lord, take away my frustrations. Renew and refresh my heart. Help me to serve you with enthusiasm and joy. Help me to be an example to the youth of my congregation. I love you. Amen.