Sunday, November 2, 2008

Make the Call

I have many different friends who live all over the country.
Montana, Ohio, Colorado, Florida, I mean really all over the place.

Every once in a great while I'll get a call from them that will just make my day.
Whether they are just calling to say hi, or if they want to thank me for being there for them in the past, it is always a huge thing to me.

Today think of a close friend who you haven't talked to in a long time and give them a call.
Tell them all the things you haven't told them in a long time. How much you miss them and stuff like that. Talk about old times and the fun you had together.
See if maybe God would want you to tell them something important that they need to hear.

Like me, one day I was feeling horrible and one of my close friends just called me and was like "I believe in you man". I know God used him to call me that day.

Let God use you today and MAKE THE CALL---BREAK OUT

Break Out!

How many times do you eat out a week?
How many times do you spend money on yourself a week?
These are questions that I have asked myself over the past week that have somewhat startled me. I find that I spend large amounts (for a youth pastor :) ) of money every week on small little things that really add up.
Imagine if we gave up just one meal at McDonalds, Chick-fil-a, or where ever you go out to eat; and used that $5 to bless someone else.
Today I challenge you to give up just $5 dollars and give it in a creative way to someone throughout your day. That might be walking into a restaurant and paying for someones meal, handing someone a drink from QT, or just giving someone the money as they are walking past you.
As a body of Christ we are called to bless those around us because we have been blessed by our God! Lets represent Jesus today!