Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fairy Tales

Fairy Tales

Megan See

I will try to believe. But it gets so hard with everyone always pushing and tearing me down. I know a lot of girls face this problem of having low self-esteem or just feeling bad about the way she looks. It's so hard these days. The world is vicious and harsh and it's just waiting there to try and pull you in. To pull you into all the destruction. You sometimes get to the point where you can't bare it anymore and you just feel like falling. When you are feeling like falling remember. There is always gonna be someone there to catch you.

I believe that every girl has a fairy tale. In each and every fairy tale there will always be a knight in shining armor. Well, I believe that every girls knight in shining armor is Jesus Christ. He will always be there to catch you no matter what. Yeah, sure we all have our dreams of having that one special guy that we find. Well, I'll tell you this that one knight in shining armor has already been found, well, actually we didn't find him. He kinda sorta already found us. No matter what situation we are in. We can always fall back into his arms.

He already tells us how beautiful we are. He already shows us. So, why don't we believe it at times? Why do we go off and think bad about ourselves? Well, did I mention that in our fairy tale we have a "bad guy"? Our "bad guy" is Satan. He tries and goes after us. Just to make us fall away from our knight in shining armor and gets us all confused. But we have to remember who we are. We are the beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, princesses of God. We are made in his own image. To Him we are everything. I would say He would die for us but He already did that. But I know He would do it again. So, in our fairy tale "everything turns out okay in the end and if it's not okay. Then it's not the end." You, see we are His and He is ours. If people are tearing you down know this, we are made in God's own image. So, whenever people tear us down they're actually tearing God down.

So, remember we are absolutely BEAUTIFUL and there is nothing we can do about it.