Monday, September 12, 2011

Be a Light in this Dark World

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. -Ephesians 5:8
Sometimes we wonder, how can we be living in a cruel world filled with pain and sin? We wonder why we have to suffer, why we have to be different. God has given us the answer in His Holy Book; He has called us to be children of light. This passage is very clear and makes lots of sense.
A light in the darkness really stands out. It never blends, and it is the center of attention. God has chosen us to be His light in a world filled with darkness. He wants us to stand out to tell others about Jesus. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:15, "Be very careful, then, how you live- not as unwise but as wise." We as Children of Light must know what to do in times of temptation.
You do not need a sign on your shirt that says that you are a Christian. People must know just by looking at how you dress, how you talk, and your attitude. In a public school, it is very difficult to have courage to be a Child of Light, but that is why it is always good to talk to your parents or any adult you trust. If not, just pray to God. He will be your guide.-Manny" 
Along the same limes that this post talks about, you don't have to be ashamed of your beliefs. The world of Darkness wants you to feel like you can't talk about God without someone trying to fight you on it. Well, fight back. And sometimes you won't have the answer. Sometimes you won't feel like you have "won" the fight. But that's ok. Don't feel shame from that. Take that as a victory in itself. Learn from what you didn't know before, and be better prepared. But also, and maybe more importantly, don't let that scare you! Not everyone will be accepting of what you have to say, but those people are there for a reason. Either God has put them there for you to help or the devil has put them there to try and discourage you. So when you feel like you are totally surrounded by darkness, throw off all shame, and let your light shine out. Shine brighter then you have ever shined before! And when the darkness tries to stop your light from shining, just shine right through all that, too.