Thursday, July 2, 2009

A reminder from a friend that loves us ;)

I needed this reminder today from a dear friend that loves us all!
"Some people have called me Champion. Why, then do I sometimes feel like a Chump? Could it be the culture around me that puts me down rather than calls me up? Perhaps it's the mocking voices of past failures. It's been said that we tend to believe the opinions of the most significant person in our life. That's why I have to make Jesus Christ my Hero and Mentor. He speaks to me about the culture, reminding me that I am in the world but not of it, and I am a citizen of heaven. Regarding my failures, He says 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.' To my feelings of inadequacy He declares, 'You can do all things through Me.' When I allow His voice to be the predominant one in my life, the Champion within bursts forth and propels me to victory. Regardless of how you're feeling this morning, I know, He knows, you ARE a Champion!"