Thursday, October 23, 2008

Step it up!

Proverbs 20:24
24 A man's steps are directed by the LORD.
How then can anyone understand his own way?

Do you know what is feels like to walk by faith and not by sight? When I was in twentyfourseven we had a lot of different experiences that allowed you to put your faith to the test; in God, yourself, and your team. One exercise required you to put on a blindfold and allow your teammates to direct you from one point to another through a maze of obstacles. As you can image, at first it is hard to trust your teammates as they tell you to move 3 steps to the right, 1 up, 2 over, all the while feeling that you are about to hit objects all around you. I remember one step that I didn’t trust them with and I moved the other direction right into a giant bush. However, as I placed my trust in my team that was directing me I found it was almost freeing to allow them to direct me to the finish line. Taking my blindfold off, I was impressed that they led me through so many obstacles and tight situations.

So what?
God sees our life like the obstacle course. He can see your start and finish and all the obstacles in-between. Whether we follow step by step as he directs us or we continually fall into bushes, he has a plan for us and wants us to live walking by faith and not by sight. Take 10 minutes today and ask God how you can follow him by faith; tell your friend about Jesus, walk the old lady across the street, or pay for someone’s lunch. Then follow through and walk it out at school, home, anywhere you are! Walking by faith may pull you out of your comfort zone but after you do it God will give you boldness and courage to continue walking as he directs you!