Sunday, August 23, 2009


We all have fathers its part of life. Some of our fathers are good some bad. Some have hurt us in ways that we can't even put into words. For others, our fathers are our heros and role models. I became a father this weekend and now when I think about God the Father all I can think about is Love. The crazy Love that God our father has for us. I know that he loves me even more than I love my children. Which believe me is more than anything I have ever loved in my life. The feelings I have for them are instantly "I would die for them..." Maybe the cross makes more sense to me now. If He being God loves us like His children I fully understand why he would die for us to be with us. It is because of His crazy love that he has for us. Kinda like the love that I am feeling toward these two little ones right now.

Read John 1:10-12
Think about God's love for us
Thank Him for his love today