Thursday, December 4, 2008

What are you Living for?

People who live only for wealth come to the end of their lives as naked and empty-handed as on the day they were born.
Ecclesiastes 5:15

I love getting things as much as anyone else. But the way I look at getting things changed when I went to the hospital over Christmas one year. I saw a man there who was dying of cancer. He couldn't talk and he could barely breathe. I found out that he had spent his whole life gaining things for himself. Things like houses, cars, money, stocks and all the other things that would make him look rich. Now as he lays here on his hospital bed, no one can see his riches.

I am positive that the man I saw in the hospital would have giving all of his money, if he could have had someone who was a true friend to be by his side. He was cold, lonely, scared and completely alone! Just like he came into the world. That is what will happen to all who live their lives for wealth. They will never be happy with how they spent their life. Don't be that guy! Don't be the guy who is so consumed about gaining wealth and treasure on this earth that you miss the important things.