Friday, April 3, 2009

Warrior Princess

Warrior Princess
By Chelsie Griffith
The thought makes my heart sing!

This dance of grace and strength
This picture of fierce beauty
This song of love that won’t settle,
a love that will stare down the enemy,
a love that will forget self,
a love that will roar like a wild beast,
springing on the enemy with hair flying
should he try and touch her people
This work of art the Father whispers to
so she will be prepared for the day of battle,
secret strategies only she can understand and carry out

This is me
This is why I was created
This is a heart that cries out for life and weeps at destruction
a heart not calloused on the outside
but emboldened from the inside,
a heart that listens for the commands of the Commander,
a heart tender towards the hurting but enraged at the Destroyer
This is the created who fights beside the Creator
This is the beloved who awaits her Lover
This is a strength that holds close those dear to her
This is her prayer, her cry for her people

She looks from the place of authority
and morns as her people reject love
She takes their hand and places it in the hand of her Lover,
that He may take them to true healing
She will cry with the weak and rage at the proud
She knows her purpose and will forge ahead at all costs
She loves the unlovely and the unlovable

Her beauty catches the eye of many,
but she has eyes for only One
As she walks the streets,
her presence brings a wake of smiles,
contented smiles of those who know all is well
Her strength comes not in spite of her beauty, but because of it,
a strength that makes men wonder
Her presence, a light, a peace, un-describable, uncapturable,
but captivating none the less
Elegance veils tenacity,
surprising those who haven’t encountered her before

Her greatest joy comes in battle,
where she wounds the wicked
and brings healing to the abuse and innocent
Her path is laced with great men,
men who will support her and need her support
They trust her with their hearts,
knowing she will surrender them
fully healed and in perfect timing
Her presence in their lives is irreplaceable,
even when they have barely met her
She fights their battles at their side, barely noticed,
her gentleness disguising her true effort

In times of peace, she glides gracefully through her garden,
yet she has no fear of crushing the head of the snake
who dares invade her sanctuary
She views façade as weakness and vulnerability as strength
Her eyes are alert and watching, soaking in her surroundings
People’s true colors are not hidden from her,
yet their deepest secret is not repulsive to her eyes
Those who gaze at her from a distance may judge harshly,
even so, she offers them compassion

Because she listens to her Lover,
she is confident in who she is
She trusts Him with her life
As He calls her out, she prepares herself for battle
He turns over to her charge warriors who need strong direction
Her words are inspiration and vision
Dignity is her very essence

Standing on the battlefield before her ranks,
she is the picture of freedom
Her gentle tresses catch the breeze,
belying her backbone of steel,
never wavering
She leads with courage,
undaunted by overwhelming force,
diligently following the plan laid out for her

Her heart is tender through it all
In the end, her tears water the field,
bringing life from the destruction
Her prayers are seeds of hope,
planted to spring up in due time

Because her greatest goal is peace,
she is just as willing to lift a sword as
become delegate in the courts
Whenever she enters,
she is followed with an aire of patience,
a beacon of joy following her contentment
She is unbound by protocol,
yet ever aware of hearts
She draws others to her with her transparency

Truth, pure truth, radiates from her lips
Joy, pure joy, shines from her eyes
Hope, pure hope, beams from her being
Love, pure love, she offers to all

She is strength
She is grace
She is fierce
She is beauty

She is the one who proclaims the message of life
She is the one who bears the hope of the future
She is the on who carries truth on her shoulders
She is the one,
but more that the one
She is an army,
an army of beauty called by their Lover

Dedicated to the women of 24/7
May our hearts sing in harmony as we hear the call of our Lover