Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Beware the Mule

Here is another devotion from dare2share.org. Hope you like it!

I've read that when a group of thoroughbred horses face attack from an outside enemy, they get together in a circle facing each other- then they kick out at the attackers using their hind legs. Donkeys, on the other hand, do just the opposite. They circle up, facing the enemy, and use their hind legs to kick each other!
Good move guys...nothing scares an enemy away faster than when you start beating each other up.
Perhaps that's why the popular television show highlighting people with the IQ of dryer lint is named after donkeys.
Have you ever noticed that many Christians have lost their 'horse sense'? We are always under attack from Satan and his demons, so naturally we should be circling up and kicking the enemy behind us. But this is not what I have seen. More often than not, believers turn into burros and start kicking each other around, even though they are facing attack.
The 'kicks' come in many forms- and they are all as helpful to the devil as his own attacks. For example, some burro believers use legalism as a favorite kicking tool. They think that they are God's gift to the church or youth groups, so they self-righteously apply their idea of the Christian life to everyone else around them. They love to smack struggling believers with a 'holier than thou' attitude and make them think that they are saved by grace and kept by works.
I've seen other delivered donkeys who strike with the hoof of gossip. They love to hear the latest tidbits of information about others in the group- especially if it's negative. Then they smugly pass along the tittle-tattle by way of a 'prayer request' because they are 'concerned'. Sounds like a lot of hee-haw to me.
Ever been kicked by cliques? Try to work your way into the well established group of folks who play favorites with each other. As long as they are happy, they are oblivious to the needs and concerns of others. Sometimes I think Jesus Himself would have a hard time fitting into some of the mule-like ministries I've observed over the years.
I've been kicked by bitterness before...it does not feel good. It was that person's responsibility to make things right and restore the unity between us, but instead this individual chose to turn around and whoop me upside the head.
Mules are very stubborn. It is extremely difficult to get them to change their ways. I think God knew this, which is why He gave a certain command:
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:31-32)
In other words- get along little donkey! Turn your life around and stop kicking your own brothers and sisters! It breaks the heart of God to see us change from beautiful believers to malicious mules. It also brings Satan great happiness when he perceives us applying the donkey defense technique...it makes his job of destroying believers *oh* so much easier- especially when it is an inside job.
My guess is that you have been on the giving and receiving end of kicks in the end...now it is time to change. It is your job to leave the pack and get back in the race with the thoroughbred horses. I think you will find that the Christian life works much better when you are working together...in fact, you may discover that it is quite a kick!


  1. Is your church/youth group more like a group of horses or donkeys?
  2. Why do we give in to Satan and kick our brothers and sisters around?
  3. What is one thing you need to change as a result of reading this devotion?