Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Don't Believe the Lies

Hey everyone. Hope your Wednesday is going pretty well. Today, I have a devotion that is something I have strongly enforced in my life, and I hope you have, too. For some of you, this may hit you pretty hard, but it would one day eventually. Now, I do want to make sure you guys know that I didn't write this one, it was written by the writer at That being said, obviously the story is not story, so just keep that in mind. Now, go ahead and read it and take in all that it has to say to you.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable 'if anything is excellent or praiseworthy' think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)
When I was in high school, I felt like there was nothing wrong with dating around. I partied a lot, and 'hooking up with guys' just happened as a result of being intoxicated. Even when I wasn't drinking, my goal was to see how many guys I could kiss or 'mess around with.' One of my big concerns in high school was being popular. I wanted people to like me, and everybody else was doing it, so in my mind there was no harm in it. Each time I would hook up with a new guy, I would go a little further. I had boundaries at one point, but when I was in the heat of the moment, there is no such thing. I wasn't thinking about the consequences or the regret later on in life. I would always say to myself, I would never have sex. Believe me, there were times I wanted to, but I was always taught to practice abstinence. According to the new standards that our generation set, sex only included intercourse, everything else was permissible. During any such encounter, I felt so important. I felt wanted, beautiful, and even found my worth. As long as I was desired by members of the opposite sex, I felt like I was somebody. I would always deceive myself into thinking I meant something to certain guys, only to find myself the next day ridden with guilt, and frustration, not to mention losing friends. For some reason I not only lost guy friends as a result of hooking up, but I lost girl friends as well, because my reputation was going downhill fast. I became the talk of the boy's locker room, and rumors began to spread. All my efforts to make more friends, were failing, because I was going about it the wrong way. I was trying to be somebody I really wasn't. I hated who I was. I felt filthy, and I knew I could never take back all the things I had done. I had given some of the most precious parts of me away. I felt deep remorse and regret. Although later I discovered God's restoration and forgiveness, I still bore the permanent scars.
I am now 21 years old and I recently got married. Prior to our marriage, there were a lot of things my husband and I had to work through from each of our pasts. Both of us had crossed the line in relationships, and had to deal with the pain of not giving those to each other for the first time. I would cry and grow angry with him because he didn't save certain things for me, his wife. I know he felt the same way. However, I had to come to the realization that we had changed, and God had made us a new creation.
'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Recently I read a lengthy article about the sex culture among teens today and I was deeply grieved. Kids that were interviewed in this article were very open with their sexuality and promiscuity. All discussed how they had had sex and planned to continue experimenting. Most students spoke of their,'friends with benefits' and the inconvenience of actual relationships. I believe each year it gets worse and worse, especially as there is an increase in the urge to move in with members of the opposite sex prior to marriage.
Kids are beginning to experiment with sex starting in elementary school. One girl here in Colorado claimed she was confident that she would have sex before entering high school. Why are kids eager to share such an intimate part of themselves with others at such a young age? I believe it has everything to do with our entertainment. Sex sells, so we see it in advertising, on TV, in movies, and especially in our music. Most pop stars today barely clothe themselves and provocatively move on stage and call it dancing. As girls we aspire to be these people, and for guys, they aspire to date someone like that. This explains the rise in internet porn, teenage sex, and sexually transmitted diseases.
God is calling us to a higher standard than the world around us. He desires us to live lives set apart only for Him. In fact, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 says:
"God wants you to be holy and to stay away from sexual sins. He wants each of you to learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable." (NCV)
The Bible talks in length about purity and holiness. The temptation is great, but His strength to resist it is greater. He is asking us to leave behind the things of this world and strive to live for Him.
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry." (Colossians 3:5)
People around us will know who we serve by our actions. If they see us living a pure life, they will see Christ. What is more, we know that those who are pure will experience God and see Him. I believe when our hearts are pure, God is more able to use us. If nothing else, God blesses us for purity.
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." (Matthew 5:8)
I can promise you that you won't regret the decision to wait to experience sex until marriage. It is a gift designed solely for that purpose. Sex is for those who are committed to marriage for life. It is not for those who think they 'love' their girlfriend or boyfriend. It is not for those who have 'friends with benefits.' It is not for those who need to feel loved and accepted. God loves us and accepts us the way we are.
The lines of sex have been blurred, and you should not ask the question is this okay, because in the eyes of the world, it probably is. However, you must ask yourself; does this bring glory to God? Are you being a witness for the kingdom of God?
Your prayer needs to be that of Psalm 51:10:
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
Many of you have probably already made a mistake, and that is okay. God can restore you, but from this day forward make a commitment in your heart to Him that says you desire purity and holiness. Lean on His strength to fight the temptation.


  1. Have you ever been involved with the opposite sex in ways that you now regret?
  2. Will you trust that God has forgiven you? (Read I John 1:9)
  3. Will you commit to complete purity until you are married?
  4. How can the fact that God forgives you be helpful in sharing Christ with your 

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