Friday, October 14, 2011

Temptation's a !@#$%

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Devotion - Battleing Temptation

It's important to know about temptation. It happens to all of us in different ways and at different times in our life. It makes sense to know as much about it as we can. The first step to fighting temptation is to relize that it can happen to anyone. No one is immune to the circumstances that Satan throws in our path that cause us to stumble. Those who crumble under the pressure of temptation usually all have one thing in common. Their Pride. Robert Burton worded it like this, "They are proud in humility; proud that they are not proud." You see pride is the key motivation to sin. Those who think they're to perfect to stumble in sin often end up getting hooked, and dragged down because they were unwilling to accept that thay are a sinner just like everyone else and that they can't conqueor temptation on their own. They need God. Pride is the surest way to garrentee you'll live a miserable unfufilled life full of regrets. Not only can temptation happen to anyone, it can be disgused as anything. Satan knows where your weak points are, he'll try anything to get you caught up in sin. Be ready for it. Satan has a way of tempting you when you least expect it, he'll attack you in your weakest moment. He thinks that you are careless enough to sacrifice one moment for the pleasure that you've wanted for so long. He knows that once your hooked, that sin will engulf your life. It will keep you from accomplishing God's specially designed plan for you. All because of a desire to have earthly pleasure in place of an amazing plan, you will not only ruin your life, you'll make others miserable too! Jesus was tempted right before the greatest breakthrough in His life, chances are you will also. Temptations are everywhere, it seems as though we can never get away from them. Never let your guard down, you can even be tempted in church. If you know you'll be tempted in a certain place, stop attending. Or if you hang aroung ungodly influences that may tempt you, flee! Joseph did. So can you. Don't be decieved. As we've learned, Satan can use the most unlikely person, object, time, and place to cause you to stumble in sin. Remember you always have a choice, to love sin, or to love God. These two cannot co-exist in a Christians life. Remember what Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey me."

Thanks to all of you who read my post and comment. You're a big encouragment!
Source: The Power of a Praying Teen

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