Thursday, September 22, 2011

Have Courage in God

Here is a devotion from Hope it brings you courage!

We all experience situations in life that create a bit of nervousness. Perhaps there are times we have wished for a little more courage than was felt to be possessed. However, when we are faced with things WE KNOW MUST BE DONE anyway, hopefully we have the courage to step forward and do them. Paul asked for prayers for such courage.
Writing from prison to the church at Philippi he stated…
“(19) for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, (20) as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but THAT WITH FULL COURAGE NOW AS ALWAYS CHRIST WILL BE HONORED IN MY BODY, whether by life or by death.” ( Philippians 1:19-20 ESV)
There is no question regarding the convicted and courageous life lived by Paul. It seems nothing could possibly stop him from pressing on! What was it that kept him moving on in his faith and work to the glory of the Lord in spite of the challenges he faced?
In 1953, a columnist for the Chicago News -- a writer by the name of Harris who had gained a large following of readers by what were noted as frank and often caustic comments -- wrote what he called “A Prayer For The President.” It went like this: “O Lord … give him the courage, not of his convictions, but of Your commandments.” [original source unknown]
Perhaps that would not be a bad prayer for any of us! When Paul (as Saul) was a persecutor of the church, we might agree that he was very bold and courageous based on his convictions. This was his mission when his confidence was in the flesh. ( Philippians 3:4-6) However, those convictions were wrong! Convictions must be based on the RIGHT FOUNDATION! When Paul’s life became firmly established in the TRUTH OF JESUS, we see His readiness to press on with it mattering not whether he faced life or death. Whatever came, Paul was determined to honor Christ!
May we heed the words of the Hebrew writer as he exhorted…
“(35) Therefore DO NOT THROW AWAY YOUR CONFIDENCE, which has a great reward. (36) For YOU HAVE NEED OF ENDURANCE, so that when you have done the WILL OF GOD you may receive what is promised.” ( Hebrews 10:35-36 ESV)
When our life is based on the WILL OF GOD we can develop the greatest courage for pressing on in that which is right. This is the stand that is of eternal significance. May we, like Paul, have a mindset to honor Christ regardless of what we face. Let us pray for sufficient courage as we press on with each step securely placed on God’s foundation of truth!

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