Monday, March 16, 2009

What has God been doing in your life? Let your Fusion Family know what is going on!
Post below!- remember to sign your name so we know who you are~


Pastor Mat Garcia said...

God has been really working on my heart as I read about his glory in 2 Cor. and how if we are his children we should reflect his light and glory! God is encouraging us hard core.
Love y-all

Anonymous said...

God has been helping me to realize how much He really is with me. He has also started to show me how powerful He is. This past week had it's ups and downs and it didn't matter my mood i felt his presence and i felt like He was right there waiting for me to give it to Him. He has made me so happy.
He Is amazing!
love you guys

Anonymous said...

This past week has been so amazing for me. I have started to come out of my shell and talk to people that I normally don't. I remembered that God is with me everytime I started to feel scared, lonely, or shy. And it has helped me so much. I'm startring to not really care what other people think about me I just think to God I'm beautiful and He doesn't care what i look like or what I do. I not worrying so much about what I'm going to wear or what's going to happen to me I'm trusting in God and it's so amazing!

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I'm a big complainer, and I complain about everything that goes wrong, but as I went through this week, God has really been pushing me to look at all the good things that come out of what I think are bad things. Despite all the things that get in my way, God helps me see all the wonderful things that are going in my life too! Oh, and I've been stepping out of my comfort zone for God! Today I prayed out loud at lunch, and got a few people asking me what I was doing :) It's so awesome to share the word of God!

see you wednesday :)

Anonymous said...

God has really been pushing me to surround myself with only the people that lift me up and help me draw closer to Him. He is doing amazing things and is really changing me to be more positive and happy. If today is sucking for you remember: the Lord made today and there's a purpose for it that YOU are a part of. So, be happy :)
Love you guys,