Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The one who came to serve

"Sacrifice certainly isn't the law of our society. America has become the land of short cuts and half baked commitments. We want it easy and we want it now. Looking out for number one has become the silent mantra of our day spoken loudly by our deeds if not by our words. But we are learning a more noble paradigm. Every week we feel the call to live up to a courageous way of life that demands sacrifice and self-denial. The challenge to lay down our lives for our faith, our family, and worthy causes is now a passion in each of our hearts. We do not find our motivation and strength in the possible payback or payoff, but from the One who came to serve, not to be served. I am speaking of our ultimate hero, Jesus Christ. May He empower each of us heroes to live nobly as we go out to face our day today!"

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