Sunday, March 1, 2009

Movement Student Weekend 2009

Hey all! Post your stories from Movement as a comment down below!

In Revelation it says:
By the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our Testimony- We will overcome!

Write your testimony of what God did this weekend in your life!

Together we will move a generation back to the heart of God!


Anonymous said...

This past weekend was so amazing. I just learned so much. When Briel was talking about being courageous I was thinking what could my life look like without and fear? And it seemed pretty awesome. So I'm going to take that first step and be courageous. I'm going to pray for people and seerve people and show them what I'm really about. I hope anyone who is reading this will take that first step towards becoming courageous with me.

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you. God is showing me how to be a bold. He is teaching how to have an intimate relationship with Himself. I can't wait to see what He has in store for all of us.

Anonymous said...

I had an amazing weekend! I didn't want to go home. Last night, I was exhausted but I didn't care.

Anonymous said...

Movement was awesome and cool. I felt that God was in everyones heart that night. I also can not wait for Wednesday!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What hit me the hardest at movement was my past attitude with my siblings. Im the only one of my brothers and sisters that go to fuision. im headed to college soon and suddenly realized that i haven't poured into their lives in the positive way that i would like to... but im going to do my best to fix that now.

Anonymous said...

At movement going to Wal-mart was a truely great and impowering experience for me. I'd always wanted to use the courage God had given me, but I never really steped up to the plate before to reach out like that. There was one woman that I talked to that was going through the same thing with her family as me. We prayed together and it felt so great to know I wasn't alone and that I had touched someone's heart too.
Guys, keep this up and don't let fear keep you from sharing Christ's amazing words; it's so rewarding. :]

Anonymous said...

OHHH man. i took what i learned at walmart and applied it at stevi-b's God put it on my heart to ask a man if i could pray for him, sooo, i did :) my heart was pounding while i was waiting for the appropriate time, but thats exectly what i was doing, waiting. i got up once i realized i was waiting and i would miss my opportunity. i walked towards him and asked if i could pray for him. i looked at me and teared up.