Sunday, February 15, 2009


"It's amazing how we ascribe the word 'ultimate' to so many things that aren't. Can I give you a list of things that I classify as ultimate?

The ultimate need? Peace with God.

The ultimate solution? Jesus Christ.

The ultimate joy? Serving others just for the sake of serving.

The ultimate goal? Being conformed to Christ's image.

The ultimate nobility? Exercising righteous energy and doing the right thing even
when it isn't popular.

The ultimate battle? The person who fights for thier God and everything they believe is right with courage and determination.

The ultimate love? Sharing your heart with another without reservations.

The ultimate friendship? A communtity or fellowship like Fusion where we can be real and love each other with holding nothing back.

The origins of the word 'fellowship' come from medieval times and literally means 'two people on the same side of a struggle'. Welcome to the 'fellowship and community of Fusion." We are fighting together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes we are!