Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Still Taking this City

Pikes Peak.
In Colorado Springs where I lived before coming to Georgia there is a massive mountain that overlooks the whole city called Pikes Peak. It towers over everything and you can see it from pretty much anywhere in the city. When you climb or drive to the top of this 14,000 Foot high mountain, there is a café and look out where you can see far and wide. But my favorite view of Pikes Peak is at night. Many nights I would be driving home from a long day and would look up to the top of the mountain. On the very top of the mountain is a light. It shines all day, every day.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 5: 14, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.”

Every night as I looked at this mountain and the light on it, God reminded me that I am suppose to be a light to all those around me and it takes sacrifice and hard work to get to the top of that mountain to shine your light.

So What?
Where has God asked you to sacrifice so you can be a light to those around you? Has he asked you to step out of your comfort zone to talk to people or to be more excellent with how you act around people so they can tell there is a light inside of you that shines on them? Think of 5 ways that you can be a light to those around you today.

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