Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Last summer I went skydiving and it was the scariest thing I've ever done in all of my life. I remember getting in the airplane and taking off and thinking to myself that I was not going to be landing with the plane. At some point thousands of feet in the air I was going to have to jump out the door and fall to the earth. SCARY!

I thought about this verse as I was in the airplane...

"So, you see, it is impossible to please God without faith."
Hebrews 11:6

When I was getting ready to jump, I had to have faith in my parachute.
I had to believe that it was going to catch me and not let me die.
Jumping out of that plane and trusting my parachute took more faith than I've ever had to have before.

We need to have faith in God just like I had to have faith in my parachute. We need to trust God to catch us and protect us.
God is way more faithful than a parachute. He will NEVER fail us. Let's start living our lives with more faith than we ever have before. If I can jump out of an airplane, you can trust God to always catch you!

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