Sunday, November 23, 2008

Break Out- Don't miss this one!

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.

Lets Break out of our comfort bubble today and do something BOLD and Rash that will shake the foundations of our world....lets ask for forgiveness today! Do you have someone that you know you need to ask forgiveness from? Someone that you snapped at, were rude or mean to, somebody that you might have ignored? Lets ask for forgiveness and not expect anything in return... we are not asking so they apologize for what they might have done because we are not worried about how they react but we are working on humility and compassion for ourselves toward others.
The hardest part of forgiveness is what happens after, you have to forgive them and then forget it in your heart so that you are not keeping a record of wrongs but only a record of love, hope, and faith! It will take practice but that is why we are BREAKING OUT!
IF you truly forgive someone it is forgotten! Walk in his power and strength today!

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