Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Great devo from Youth for Christ
Check it out. See you tonight

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Buddy Jesus

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This is a picture of Buddy Jesus. How do you think about Jesus? Is he your buddy?

Sometimes we think of Jesus as our buddy. Just someone we can hangout with us whenever we want to and he will always be there for a good time. Jesus' mission on earth was radical really radical. He was on mission to change the world not to be our buddies. To shake the foundations of the world with his message of love and self sacrifice.

Read Mark 9
Does this sound like a buddy or a like a world changer?
Who would you rather know and serve?
I wish the world knew about the world changing Jesus instead we seem to be in love with the buddy. What can you do to introduce your friends and family to the Mark 9 Jesus?

Monday, September 14, 2009


Check this out I think you will like it. now read Judges 16
How pretty did Delilah have to be!!!! Seriously!!!! What do you think of when you read this Chapter? Do you have anything in your life that you know your supposed to do one way yet you do other things because of your friends?
What can you apply from this passage to your life?

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Check out this video
What needs to change in you? How do you respond when God takes stuff out of your life? Do you want to hold onto stuff or do you willing let it go?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Read Mark 11:20-25

Read the scripture through. What stands out to you in this scripture? How do you pray? Do you pray for big things or small things? Do believe that God will answer you prayers? When you pray have forgiven the people who have wronged you?
Praying is mysterious and wonderful. In this scripture Jesus makes prayer so simple so easy? But there is something inside of us that says, "no that won't happen".
Do you have the faith to pray for big things? World changing things? Life altering things? I hope you do I hope you can have the courage to have the faith to move mountains.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


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Look at the picture for a minute
What does it make you think of?
How do you think of you spiritual life? Is it like a desert? Does it feel dry and barren? Is there things in your week that are like oasis's to you? What are the things that you do to bring "fresh water" into your life?

Read john 4: 10-14
How can you drink deep of Jesus' living water?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


For the next few weeks at Fusion we will be talking about roots. Colossians 2:6-7 will be our theme verse for the talks. Please read this scripture and meditate on it before you come to Fusion. Think about how you can let your roots grow deep.? How can your lives be built on Him?