Friday, August 28, 2009


Look at this picture for a couple minutes....
What do you see?
What emotions does it bring to mind?
Do you see the power of the waves?
Do you see the strength of the lighthouse?
Do you see the guy at the door?
What do you think he is thinking?
What would you be thinking?
Does you life ever look like this picture?
How do you deal with those circumstances?
Read Philippians 4:6-7
No matter what you are dealing with today make this verse you prayer today.
If life is good claim this verse. If life is bad claim this verse.
May the God who calmed the waves hold you in His hands today!!! Amen

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Stupid Arguments

Read 2 Timothy 2:23-24
So how do you treat your friends?
How do you treat your brothers and sisters?
And the big one how do you treat your Parents?
I don't have to say anything about how you should act the Bible says it all.
Avoid Stupid arguments...
Aren't they all pretty stupid. Im just saying when you are fighting for your own way or your parents make you mad or your friend stole your homework think before you get all emotional. Is this just a dumb thing? Is it worth getting upset about? Is God going to be glorified from me getting cranky?

Sunday, August 23, 2009


We all have fathers its part of life. Some of our fathers are good some bad. Some have hurt us in ways that we can't even put into words. For others, our fathers are our heros and role models. I became a father this weekend and now when I think about God the Father all I can think about is Love. The crazy Love that God our father has for us. I know that he loves me even more than I love my children. Which believe me is more than anything I have ever loved in my life. The feelings I have for them are instantly "I would die for them..." Maybe the cross makes more sense to me now. If He being God loves us like His children I fully understand why he would die for us to be with us. It is because of His crazy love that he has for us. Kinda like the love that I am feeling toward these two little ones right now.

Read John 1:10-12
Think about God's love for us
Thank Him for his love today

Friday, August 21, 2009


In honor of the rain last night Read Matthew 7:24-29.
Take time to think about what you are basing your life on.
What are the foundations of your life?
Is Christ the foundation or something else?
Is Christ a part of your foundation or all of it?
Sometimes we are tempted to make Sports, School, or a Boyfriend/Girlfriend our foundation but do we try and mix Jesus with them.
Pray for God to help you organize your priorities and the events of your life.

May Jesus be your foundation. May He who is the cornerstone of life bless you and keep you. May he give you peace and comfort in the storms of life. May He hold your heart in His hands and may His Love overwhelm you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Kingdom of God

Read Luke 13:18-20
What is the Kingdom of God like?   What does it mean to you to be part of the Kingdom of God?  
Is the Kingdom of God growing because of your actions?  Or is it hurt because of what you do?  
Is the Yeast of the Kingdom growing throughout every part of your life or only a few parts?

My prayer today is that "God I want to be transformed by you.  I want to be changed.  I want to have your kingdom reign in me not just my Sundays or Wednesdays but every minute of everyday.  Your Kingdom should be constantly brought praise by the way I live my life.  Help me God live that kind of life.  A life that is pleasing to your eyes that brings you honor and glory.  I love you God.  Amen"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Revelation Song

Take the time to watch this video and worship God!!!
You don't have to be at church.  You don't have to have a live band.  Wherever you are invite the Holy Spirit to be apart of your day in each moment.
Your day will change, your life will change when the Holy Spirit becomes apart of everyday, every minute instead of just Sunday and Wednesday.
Worship is a lifestyle not an event!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Look at this Picture
Think about God's creativity
Think about God's Power
Read Genesis 1
Think about all God creates all that He forms. Take a moment to soak in how awesome and amazing God really is.
Take pleasure in the the same God that creates all this, Loves You!!! He knows You!!! He wants a relationship with You!!!
Thank God for everything in your life and be grateful for His creativity in making you who you are.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Sermon

So what did you learn today?

Take time to reflect on Mark 10
What things stood out to you that you can apply to your life?
How did the Holy Spirit work on you during Worship?
How do you wait on God? Or do you wait on God?
Do you miss the things He gives you because they don't look the way you want them to?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Colossians 4:6

Read Colossians 4:6
Think about your conversations today. So do they live up to this statement? Are they seasoned with salt or something nasty? When you think about your conversations do you always answer I don't know or with God's wisdom? Do you respond with Grace?

Ask God to help your conversations to be seasoned with salt, grace, and wisdom.
This weekend concentrate on responding to people with salt, grace, and wisdom.

Proverbs 14

Read Proverbs 14 today.
Pick out 6 of the verses that stood out to you.
Ask God why He showed you those six verses
Journal your reactions
Ask God to show you what He wants you to change about yourself because of those verses
Journal your reactions
Thank God for speaking to you through His Word
Tell a friend about what you learned about the Bible and yourself today.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Christian Dodgeball?

Check out this video!!! After you stop laughing think about how we can focus our walk with Christ as effectively as this guy does with Dodgeball. Or think about Do we as Christians treat dumb things like dodgeball with more respect than our intensity for Christ?

How can you focus your time and energy to be more devoted to God?

What has God been telling you lately?

What has he wanted you to do that maybe you ignored?

Read Ephesians 4: 1-3

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Who has Touched You

Through this thing we call life we are touched by lots of people. Some are bad encounters that hurt and scar us for years while others build us up and change our lives for the better. Today I want to take a moment and think of the people in your life that have changed the way you think about God.
I have had lots of men and women in my life that have told me hard things things that I never wanted to hear things but things that I needed to hear. Take five or ten minutes to think about who has helped shape you. Send them a text to say thanks or write on their facebook wall.

Take another five or ten to thank God for putting those people in your life. Ask him to send you more amazing men and women of God to shape your life. Recognize that they are gifts form the Almighty and another way in which He shows His amazing Love four You!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Having abandoned desire, we have lost hope. C. S. Lewis summed it up: “We can only hope for what we desire.” No desire, no hope. Now, desire doesn’t always translate into hope. There are many things I desire that I have little hope for. I desire to have lots more money than I do, but I see little reason to think it will come. But there isn’t one thing I hope for that I don’t also desire. This is Lewis’s point. Bland assurances of the sweet by-and-by don’t inflame the soul. Our hopes are deeply tied to our real desires, and so killing desire has meant a hopeless life for too many. It’s as if we’ve already entered Dante’s Inferno, where the sign over hell reads, “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.” 

The effect has been disastrous, not only for individual Christians, but also for the message of the gospel as a whole. People aren’t exactly ripping the roofs off churches to get inside. We see the Enemy’s ploy: drain all the life and beauty and adventure away from the gospel, bury Christians in duty, and nobody will want to take a closer look. It’s so very unappealing. 

David Whyte calls this the “devouring animal of our disowned desire.” It is the reason behind most affairs in the church. The pastor lives out of duty, trying to deny his thirst for many years. One day, the young secretary smiles at him and it’s over. Because he has so long been out of touch with his desire, it becomes overwhelming when it does show up. The danger of disowning desire is that it sets us up for a fall. We are unable to distinguish real life from a tempting imitation. We are fooled by the impostors. Eventually, we find some means of procuring a taste of the life we were meant for. 

(Desire , 64–66) 


Having abandoned desire, we have lost hope. C. S. Lewis summed it up: “We can only hope for what we desire.” No desire, no hope. Now, desire doesn’t always translate into hope. There are many things I desire that I have little hope for. I desire to have lots more money than I do, but I see little reason to think it will come. But there isn’t one thing I hope for that I don’t also desire. This is Lewis’s point. Bland assurances of the sweet by-and-by don’t inflame the soul. Our hopes are deeply tied to our real desires, and so killing desire has meant a hopeless life for too many. It’s as if we’ve already entered Dante’s Inferno, where the sign over hell reads, “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.” 

The effect has been disastrous, not only for individual Christians, but also for the message of the gospel as a whole. People aren’t exactly ripping the roofs off churches to get inside. We see the Enemy’s ploy: drain all the life and beauty and adventure away from the gospel, bury Christians in duty, and nobody will want to take a closer look. It’s so very unappealing. 

David Whyte calls this the “devouring animal of our disowned desire.” It is the reason behind most affairs in the church. The pastor lives out of duty, trying to deny his thirst for many years. One day, the young secretary smiles at him and it’s over. Because he has so long been out of touch with his desire, it becomes overwhelming when it does show up. The danger of disowning desire is that it sets us up for a fall. We are unable to distinguish real life from a tempting imitation. We are fooled by the impostors. Eventually, we find some means of procuring a taste of the life we were meant for. 

(Desire , 64–66) 

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Open your minds

Watch this video and let others know what God is doing in your heart below